That\’s right! You can now enjoy The Hits Of A Lifetime from WHLI…on FM!
If you live in Nassau County, try it now: 104.7 FM! If you listen to WHLI in Queens, Suffolk, or beyond, you\’ll still be able to listen at 1100AM.
If you prefer to stay listening to WHLI on 1100AM, don\’t worry – nothing is changing at all.
However, there are benefits to listening to WHLI at 104.7 FM:
- Whereas 1100 AM still will sign-off at sundown and sign back-on at sunrise each day, you can enjoy WHLI at 104.7 FM, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
- All of the oldies you enjoy from WHLI will be in stereo, just like any other music station you already may enjoy on FM.
Try it now, lock-in a preset at 104.7 FM, and tell your friends they can listen too, to The New 104.7 WHLI!